We are located in Prescott, Arizona and  Laveen, Arizona (on the southwest side of Phoenix).

Classes are held and supplies are sold at Shelley's studios:

4670 Cody Dr.                 5039 W. Olney Avenue
Prescott, AZ  86305        Laveen, Arizona 85339
602 679-9700                    602 237-4496


Please call before coming to purchase supplies to make sure I'm home!

Laveen Studio & Store:   Olney is 1/2 mile south of Dobbins Road or 1 1/2 miles south of Baseline Road.   I am right on the southeast corner of 51 Ave. & Olney with a driveway off of Olney.

This aerial of Shelley's home in Laveen shows the 'Gourd Shack' studio in the middle of the picture.  It's the small building on the right side of the back yard.   The road on the bottom of the picture is 51 Ave. and on the left is Olney Avenue.

Prescott: on the NW side of Prescott off Williamson Valley Rd. just north of the Pioneer Parkway.  Please call in advance to make arrangements for supplies to be sure I have what you need on hand!

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